The Next Big 5: Tech Innovations to Watch in the Next 5 Years

Prachi Tewari
4 min read1 day ago

Imagine a world where every new idea makes life better, easier, and a little more exciting. As we step into the future, it’s incredible to see how technology keeps transforming the way we live, work, and play.

Just like how AI is now everywhere around us, there are some amazing technologies that are going to be the next big thing in the coming years — the kind of gadgets and innovations that we’ll soon see everywhere, making life more fun and futuristic.

In this article, I want to share five technologies that are going to revolutionize our world over the next five years. These aren’t just cool gadgets; they’re inventions that can change how we see the world, connect with others, and solve some of the biggest problems we face.

1. Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses for Everyday Use

Remember how smartphones used to be a luxury item, but now they’re just part of our lives? That’s what’s going to happen with AR glasses. Having worked with AR and VR myself, I can say for sure that they are the next big thing — just as transformative as AI. Building AR projects taught me how revolutionary and impactful this technology can be, with endless applications. Imagine directions popping up while you walk, helpful reminders, or fun games projected right in front of you. You incorporate AI into AR and it becomes even more powerful. I made a meditation platform using AR-VR, and I realized that with more technology, it…



Prachi Tewari

"The inevitability of change might be a universal constant." | I love to read, learn, and unlearn | IT undergrad @ IGDTUW